OPERAs D4.3 Synthesis report on the operational potential of ES/NC instruments

This report is the synthesis deliverable of WP4 and thus brings together the overarching message of experiences and results of the joint WP4 Instruments work. It is aimed at those developing ES and NC instruments, or those considering funding the development of such instruments, in order to ensure that lessons learned under the OPERAs project are taken into consideration in future tool instrument development. The report considers four stages in the development and uptake of tools and instruments: - Identification of the need for a tool/instrument - Development of new tools/instruments - Uptake and application of tools/instruments - Uptake and integration of results into policy and decision-making For each of these stages, the report will discuss work completed under the OPERAs project, and lessons learnt for others undertaking tool development or enhancement. Lastly, four examples from the OPERAs project are provided as Factsheets at the end, which describes how the different exemplar has used and combined different tools to maximise the impact of their research and to ensure integration of ES into the decision-making arena. Short excerpts are included throughout the document to illustrate the key points.